Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What are you reading?

Okay, so what is everyone reading besides Kindred this month?

I just finished a couple of really impressive books worth mentioning. I finally snagged a copy of Octavia Butler's last book, Fledgling, from the library. It was a fun read, and not quite like any vampire novel I've ever read before, laced with racial & social tension, and with just the right balance of action and thoughtful dialogue. I ended up wanting more of these characters, and so the ending was all the more poignant, seeing how Butler could have easily extended this story into a sequel -- and knowing that that would never happen.

And last night I finished Frank Robinson's The Dark Beyond the Stars, a great book. Anybody else read this one? A generation ship story, he perfectly captured the sadness, overwhelming sense of Space, and claustrophobia of a group of Earthlings sent off into the last frontier to find alien life. Well-developed characters, and some surprising twists along the way -- hated to see this one end too. But the ending packs a punch, coming full circle and making for one of the most satisfying reads I've had in quite a while. Could make for some interesting discussion if we all decided to check this one out for the group...


At 1:18 PM, Blogger Lallia said...

I flew through Kindred - LOVED IT. Now I'm reading The Handmaids Tale. You and Megan suggested it to me in May and a week later a friend loaned it to me. It was fate. *wink*

I'm really enjoying it and at the same time quite freaked out. I love how she leaves the details of what's going on in the world for you to find out bit by bit as the story goes on. Same reason I love Hemingway.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger P. M. Hollott said...

Yeah, in a battle of the egos, not sure who would win, Atwood or Hemingway - close competition, though!

I've just finished reading Frank Herbert's Ship/Pandora books, and it's funny, I am always amazed by the depth of his imagination and understanding; but then I reread Dune and, wow! I'm completely blown away again.

At 11:47 PM, Blogger bibliojunkie said...

I just finished the Abhorsen trilogy and the Seventh Tower by Garth Nix he's a fantastic writer. He is listed in Young adult but the Abhorson Trilogy is just a wonderful read (and a little creepy)


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